2024 UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium
November 22, 2024 | 140 registered participants | Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall | UC Berkeley
Keynote Speakers:
- Tianchen Xu - Distributed Strain Sensing for Pipeline Safety Against Fault and Landslide Movement
- Yaobin Yang - Fiber-Optics Shape Sensing and Error Analysis with the Cosserat Theory of Rods
- Youngseok Jo - A Next-Generation Multi-Scale approach for monitoring Landfill Surface Methane Emissions
- Yuval Keissar - 3-D Kinematics in Rock Slope Stability
- Joel Given - Advances in imposing Nonconforming Neumann Boundary Conditions in the Material Point Method
Industry panel discussion:
- Topic: Embracing the Future of Geosystems: Scaling Innovative Technologies
- Panelists: Kenneth A Johnson (WSP), Phillip Gregory (Hayley & Aldrich), Marcus Pacheco (Municon West Coast), and Maggie Parks (CGS)
With 25 posters highlighting the student research in the GeoSystems Engineering Program at UC Berkeley.
Happy hour after the event was hosted by GEI, Geosyntec, and SFGI at LaVal's Pizzeria.

2023 UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium
November 17, 2023 | 114 registered participants | Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall | UC Berkeley
Keynote Speakers:
- Brittany Russo - Non-invasive Multi-sensor Approach for Levee Health Maintenance Practices using Machine Learning
- Xinyi Qian - DEM Analysis of Density Effect on Arching in Shallow Trapdoors
- Hasitha Wijesuriya - Characterizing Naturally Deposited Sands using X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Jhih-Rou Huang - AI-Based Techniques for Ground Failure Detection/Monitoring and Mobility Assessment
- Jaewon Saw - Monitoring Capabilities of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Hydraulic Fracturing
Industry panel discussion:
- Topic: Project Management in the World of GeoEngineering
- Panelists: Tom Pennington, Brown and Caldwell; Chris Conkle, Geosyntec; Justin Lianides, Mott MacDonald; Jeramy Decker, Kiewit; Dave Ritzman, PG&E; Phoebe Cheng, BART
With 27 posters highlighting the student research in the GeoSystems Engineering Program at UC Berkeley.
Happy hour after the event was hosted by COSMOS at LaVal's Pizzeria.
2022 UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium
November 18, 2022 | 132 registered participants | Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall | UC Berkeley
Keynote speakers:
- Camilo Pinilla-Ramos – Broad-band evaluation of the San Francisco Bay Area velocity model through 3D seismological simulations
- Weibing Gong – Regional-scale back-calculation and prediction of co-seismic landslides
- Bodhinanda Chandra – Improving accuracy and efficiency in material point method (MPM) for both single and multi-phase continua
- Kil-Wan Ko, Ph.D. – Energy-based method for prediction of excess pore water pressure in liquefiable soil
Industry panel discussion:
- Topic – Climate impact on infrastructure resiliency
- Panelists – Eric Bao, One Concern, Clifford Chan, EBMUD, Shah Vahdani, Applied GeoDynamics
With 24 research posters highlighting research in the UC Berkeley Geosystems Group

2021 UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium
November 12, 2021 - 137 registered participants
Keynote speakers:
Franklin Olaya, Dayu Apoji, Jongchan Kim Ph.D., Peng Tan, Peter Hubbard
2019 UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium
November 15, 2019