Geosystems MS students conduct geotechnical site characterization despite COVID19 and heavy rain!
Mar 31, 2021
On March 19 2021, Geosystems MS students were able to meet in person and perform field work near Bel Marin Keys in Novato as part of CE273 “Advanced GeoEngineering Testing and Design” taught by Professor Michael Riemer and GSIs Joel Given and Bodhinanda.Chandra.
The optional activity was approved by the campus, subject to special safety precautions, as case counts had declined dramatically since January. Even the persistent rain could not quell the enthusiasm as students enjoyed their first hands-on instruction and the chance to meet and work together toward their Spring design project.
Students conducted drilling, in situ testing and undisturbed sampling of Young Bay Mud, a tradition that goes back many decades. In addition, students performed shear wave velocity measurements using the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) technique with the support of Prof. Dimitrios Zekkos, Brittany Russo and Parker Blunts.
All site exploration data will be processed in coming days by the students as part of their CE273 project. Below are a few photos from the day in the field.