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GeoSystems Engineering




Digital copies of the UC Berkeley Geotechnical Research Reports dating back through the 1960s are available online through the NISEE Earthquake Engineering Online Archive, at:

The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive NISEE e-Library ( The database is searchable by keywords, authors and other methods to assist in locating desired publications.

Despite the location of the repository, these research reports cover a wide range of geotechnical topics, not just earthquake related topics, and typically served to document in detail the doctoral research of students studying under Profs. H.B. Seed, J. Mitchell, M. Duncan, T. Brekke, R. Goodman, J. Lysmer, W. Houston, N. Sitar, R.B. Seed, J. Pestana, S. Glaser and others, including the current Geosystems faculty.


Year 2022 Reports


Weber, J., Seed R.B., Moss, R.E.S., Pestana, J., Chukwuebuka, N., Deger, T., and Chowdhury, K. (2022). Engineering Evaluation of Post-Liquefaction Residual Strength, Vol. 1 (Main text) and 2 (Appendices A, B & C), Geosystems Engineering Report UCB/GT 2022-01, Univ. of California, Berkeley, VOLUME 1: MAIN TEXTVOLUME 2, PART 1: APPENDIX AVOLUME 2, PART 2: APPENDICIES B & C


Olaya F.R., and Bray J.D. (2022). CPT case histories of post-liquefaction free-field ground settlement. Geosystems Engineering Report UCB/GT 2022-02, Univ. of California, Berkeley.


Tan, P. and Sitar, N. (2022). Parallel Level-Set DEM (LS-DEM) Development and Application to the Study of Deformation and Flow in Granular Media, Geosystems Engineering Report UCB/GT/2022-03, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 


Bray, J.D. and Olaya, F.R. (2022). Liquefaction Effects and a Probabilistic CPT-Based Liquefaction Ground Settlement Procedure, Geosystems Engineering Report UCB/GT/2022-04, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 

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