Post-doc Youngseok Jo receives the CITRIS Climate Innovation Fellowship
May 19, 2024

Dr. Youngseok Jo, a Post-doctoral researcher working with Prof. Dimitrios Zekkos, has been selected as a recipient of the CITRIS Climate Innovation Fellowship program. This CITRIS award is highly competitive and only 9 awardees have been granted among a number of UC Berkeley applicants including undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
As part of this fellowship, Youngseok will explore technology solutions for climate challenges through innovation and entrepreneurship between April and December 2024. In particular, Youngseok will explore commercialization opportunities for inexpensive and efficient autonomous methane flux chamber systems that are being developed in the research group. This sensing system is expected to contribute in better quantification of greenhouse gases at landfills that has implications for climate change.
Youngseok completed his Ph.D on long-term waste settlement based on field data measured for about 30 years at Korean landfills. After joining the UC Berkeley Geosystems group, he has been leveraging his expertise to work on methane emissions, and remote sensing techniques at landfills.